Call for Chapters: Women, Religion, and the Media

 In Call for Papers, Uncategorized

Call for Chapters: Women, Religion, and the Media*
> Doing a feminist rhetorical reading of news coverage of Ava Kay Jones, the
> Voodoo priestess at New Orleans Saints football games? Conducting a media
> study of Hindu women film directors and producers? Got a discourse
> analysis of online fans invoking the name of God in True Blood femslash?
> Submit a book chapter for a proposed edited collection situated at the
> intersection of media, women, and religion.
> You are invited to reach this crossroads by any combination of paths. A
> variety of rhetorical criticism, critical/cultural media studies, and other
> qualitative feminist methodologies are welcome. A focus on transwomen or
> any other productive complication of the category of “women” is encouraged.
> All religions, including any of the monotheist and polytheist world
> traditions, will be considered. Media artifacts must be electronic
> (television shows, films, websites, podcasts, political news coverage,
> music, etc. Sorry, no books or magazines), but can be from any country and
> time period, and need not be explicitly religious to include a religious
> reading.
> Deadline is October 31.
> – Original submissions only, no previously published work (papers presented
> at conferences are ok).
> – Submissions from scholars with Ph.D. in hand will receive priority over
> doctoral students.
> – Please format citations using Chicago Manual of Style edition 16. Use
> endnotes not footnotes, plus bibliography.
> – Word Count: 6,000 words maximum including endnotes and bibliography.
> – By submitting your chapter, you are agreeing to refrain from submitting
> it for publication consideration elsewhere until we have received the
> publisher’s verdict on our book proposal. If the proposal is accepted, you
> are agreeing to refrain from submitting your piece for publication
> elsewhere until after the book is out.
> – Please include links to any proposed images, video clips, and websites to
> appear on our book’s companion website.
> – Include a biography of a maximum of five lines, including your highest
> academic degree and degree-granting institution, current position title,
> current institution, and a mention of a few pertinent previous publications.
> – Submit as e-mail attachment in MSWord or Rich Text Format to
> by October 31, 2012.
> Alena Amato Ruggerio, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor
> Department of Communication
> Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Council
> Southern Oregon University
> —– End forwarded message —–
> —
> Katherine Side, PhD
> Associate Professor
> Head, Department of Gender Studies &
> Programme Coordinator, Law and Society Programme
> SN 4084
> Memorial University of Newfoundland
> P.O. Box 4200
> St. John’s, Newfoundland
> Canada
> A1C 5S7
> Telephone: (709) 864-3322
> E-Mail:

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