Call for Papers, and Call for Panels — IAHR XXI World Congress Erfurt, August 23-29 2015

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Dear Colleagues
Officers of IAHR Member Associations and IAHR Affiliates

Please find attached the Call for Papers for the IAHR XXI World Congress in Erfurt, August 23-29 2015 (click to download). The deadline for submission of paper proposals is December 15, 2014.

Please be so kind as to forward this as soon as at all possible to all your individual members, and if you have a website, please post it there too.

Please take heed of the information and link inserted about the ‘grants-in-aid’ for participants to the IAHR World Congress.

I have also attached the Call for Panels (click to download PDF), previously issued, and I suggest that you forward this to your members at the same time. There is still time for panel proposals: the deadline for submission of panel proposals is September 14, 2014.

Best regards

Tim Jensen, IAHR General Secretary, May 10, 2014

Tim Jensen, Associate Professor
General Secretary of IAHR, The International Association for The History of Religions (,Head of Study of Religions, Department of History, SDU.
Mailing address: Study of Religions, Department of History, University of Southern Denmark, DK-5230, Campusvej 55, Odense M, Denmark.
Office phone: +45 65503315 e-mail:
website: Private: Folkets Alle 40, DK-2000 FPhone: + 45 38875085 Cell: + 45 20888378

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