“Setting Yourself Up for Success and Preparing for Post-Graduate Employment” – CATE Graduate Student Session, 43rd CSSE Conference

 In All, News | Nouvelles

The CSSE CATE Graduate Student Session (Session 21.12) will be:

11:30 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. / 11 h 30 – 13 h
3 June / Le 3 juin 2015

Session Title: CATE Graduate Student Session: Setting Yourself Up for Success and Preparing for Post-Graduate Employment

This session is intended for graduate studies contemplating their post-graduate plans. Panelists currently working or preparing to work in a variety of fields including academia, consulting, and lab research will discuss how to prepare yourself for entering the job market including marketing your skills, how to find jobs and what you can do from now to set yourself up for success.

For updated information please check the following site: http://www.csse-scee.ca/docs/conference/2015_CSSE_PC_Prog_CSSE_20150401.pdf

Hoping to see you there. More information to follow.

Kellie Baker & Arzina Zaver
CATE Graduate Student Reps

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