“Nothing Could be Further from the Truth: Collected Columns of Reed M.N. Weep, 1997-2011” — New book and discount by Equinox
Equinox is pleased to announce the publication of

Nothing Could be Further from the Truth
Collected Columns of Reed M.N. Weep, 1997-2011
Reed M.N. Weep*
Edited by Allumno Sinllanto**
PB US$22.95 9781781791462
162 pages
Order from the book page and receive 25% off quoting the code Weep: https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/reed-weep-redux-reed-m-n-weep/
This collection brings together some of the columns written by Reed M.N. Weep, published from 1997 to his disappearance in 2011 in the Bulletin for the Study of Religion and its precursor, the Bulletin of the Council of Societies for the Study of Religion. The columns satirize the academic discipline of religious studies, contemporary university life, and popular culture. There is little here that rises to the level of Truth (with a capital T). Instead the emphasis is on humor, and trutH (with a capital H). This book includes introductions by Russell McCutcheon, Craig Prentiss, Scott Elliott, Craig Martin, and Weep’s student, Alumno Sinllanto.
At last the long-awaited codification of the wisdom and wit of the eponymous, intrepid Reed Weep. A must-read for all who regularly take tweed and paper to academic conferences and for those who dream of one day doing so. All fans of David Lodge will find a peer in Weep’s tales of the academy.
Willi Braun (who owns no tweed but a parka), University of Alberta
If, as Baudrillard once wrote, the secret of theory is that truth does not exist, Reed M. N. Weep puts the secret of religious studies on display for all to see. Well hidden in plain sight, Weep’s dispatches are the purloined letter of the discipline.
Matthew Waggoner, Albertus Magnus College
*Reed M. N. Weep was a cultural critic of astounding profundity. A professor of religion at a large midwestern university, in addition to the columns collected here, Weep was the author of a number of very influential book reviews. He was last seen in 2011 leaving the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature in San Francisco to check out the Haight.
**Alumno Sinllanto was the not only the most outstanding of Reed Weep’s students, but also the only one. He completed bachelor’s and master’s degrees at a large midwestern university, and is now waiting to hear from several prestigious doctoral programs. In the meantime, the amazing self-produced YouTube videos of Sinllanto playing the spoons have been viewed by tens of fans, that’s ‘tens,’ with a ‘t.’