Table of Contents — Religious Studies and Theology Issue 35.1 (2016)
Issue 35.1 (2016) table of contents

Editor’s Preface- open access
Multifaceted Analysis and Reflection on Thinking and Living Religion
Catherine Caufield
The Western Arctic Historical Citation Project: A Detailed Guide to the Rev. Isaac Stringer’s 1890s Diaries and Related Archival Documents
Walter Vanast
Spirituality as Lived Interpretation: A Transformative Encounter between Two Traditions
Jean-Pierre Fortin
Isaac Abravanel’s Question and Joseph Hayyun’s Answer: A New Stage in the Issue of Moses’ Role in the Composition of the Torah
Eran Viezel
Thomas Aquinas’ Commentary on Boethius’ De Trinitate and the Structure of the Summa contra gentiles
Matthew Kostelecky
Reflection from the Field
Why I No Longer Work with Holocaust Literature
Lydia Kokkola
Book Reviews- open access
Christian Fundamentalism in America: A Cultural History by David S. New
Reviewed by Jason Lamoreaux
John Chrysostom on Divine Pedagogy: The Coherence of His Theology and Preaching by David Rylaarsdam
Reviewed by Theodore Sabo
Sex, Love and Marriage by Paul Flaman
Reviewed by Anna Severin
Reclaiming the Faravahar: Zoroastrian Survival in Contemporary Tehran, by Navid Fozi
Reviewed by Arshdeep Khaira
Catherine Caufield, Athabasca University
Consulting Editors
Willi Braun, University of Alberta
Earle Waugh,University of Alberta
Book Review Editor
Steven Muir
Religious Studies and Theology
ISSN: 1747-5414
Religious Studies and Theology is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes thoughtful original research of an interdisciplinary nature with significance to the various fields of Religious Studies and Theology. International contributors from many disciplines explore understandings of the workings of religion and spirituality in the contemporary world. We also give special attention to studies on religion and religious communities in Canada with regard to the place of this nation in our interconnected global community.