Conference on The Impact of Religion 24-26 April 2018 — Uppsala University, Sweden

 In Call for Papers, Uncategorized

Invitation and Call for Papers: Conference on The Impact of Religion 24-26 April 2018

Invitation and Call for papers!

The Second International Conference on:
The Impact of Religion: Challenges for Society, Law and Democracy
Uppsala University, Sweden, April 24-26th 2018
(Workshop for doctoral students April 23-24th)

Click here to download CFP Poster with more details

Abstracts for paper presentations are invited on the following themes:

Religion and migration
Religion in the public sphere, media and politics
Religious diversity, non-religion, secularism
Religious freedom versus other human rights
Religion and youth, family, gender, sexuality
Religion and racism, discrimination, segregation
Religion and violence, terror and the security state
Faith based organisations as welfare providers, civil society, social capital
Existential health and well-being
Science and religion, relativism and absolutism
and other related themes….
Additional special paper sessions are announced on the website

Comparative papers are particularly welcome. Theoretical, methodological and substantive issues will be given equal consideration. Thematic sessions will be organised out of the accepted abstracts. The conference language is English. Selected papers will be published!

Deadline for the submission of abstracts (max 200 words): October 31st 2017

The conference is hosted by The Impact of Religion Programme and Uppsala Religion and Society Research Centre at Uppsala University.

For abstract submission, programme, registration, practical information etc. see conference website:

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