Table of Contents – Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, Issue 12.1 (2018)
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture

Issue 12.1 (2018) Table of Contents
Editors’ Introduction
Lucas F. Johnston, Joseph D. Witt
An Assessment of Climate Engineering from a Buddhist Perspective
Till Markus , Bhikkhu Vivekānanda , Mark Lawrence
Eco-Spirituality in Environmental Action: Studying Dark Green Religion in the German Energy Transition
Jens Koehrsen
Evolution, Temporality, and Ethics: On Kierkegaard’s Surprising Relevance to Eco-Theology
Justin D. Klassen
Healing in Polluted Places: Mountains, Air, and Weather in Zulu Zionist Ritual Practice
Rune Flikke
Roy Scranton, Learning to Die in the Anthropocene: Reflections on the End of a Civilization
John Foster
Adam Trexler, Anthropocene Fictions: The Novel in a Time of Climate Change
Tatiana Prorokova
Amitav Ghosh, The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable
Arthur M. Shapiro
Michael Northcott, A Political Theology of Climate Change
Christiana Zenner Peppard
Michael Engelhard, Ice Bear: The Cultural History of an Arctic Icon
Martha Dowsley
Brianne Donaldson, Creaturely Cosmologies: Why Metaphysics Matters for Animal and Planetary Liberation
Tyler M. Tully
Ronald Hutton, The Witch: A History of Fear, from Ancient times to the Present
Michael York
Pankaj Jain, Science and Socio-Religious Revolution in India: Moving the Mountains
Michael S. Allen
Bron Taylor, University of Florida, USA
Associate Editors
Adrian Ivakhiv, University of Vermont, USA
Lucas F. Johnston, Wake Forest University, USA
Martin Schönfeld, University of South Florida, USA
Lisa Sideris, Indiana University, USA
J. Richard Stepp, University of Florida, USA
Joseph D Witt, Mississippi State University, USA
Book Review Editors
Joseph Andrew Park Wilson, Fairfield University, USA
Sarah R Werner, University of Florida, USA
ISSN: 1749-4907 (print)
ISSN: 1749-4915 (online)
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture
The Journal of Religion, Nature and Culture, which has been published quarterly since 2007, explores through the social and natural sciences the complex relationships among human beings, their diverse ‘religions’ (broadly and diversely defined) and the earth’s living systems, while providing a venue for analysis and debate over what constitutes an ethically appropriate relationship between our own species and the environments we inhabit.