Table of Contents – Religions of South Asia (Issue 12.1, 2018)
Issue 12.1 (2018)
Table of contents

Simon Brodbeck , Dermot Killingley , Anna S. King
Contemplating the Buddha in the Jātakas
Eviatar Shulman
The ‘Inexhaustibility’ of Jalaram Bapa: Narrative, Presence and Social Service in the Hindu Diaspora
Martin Wood
Health and Popular Psychology: Ayurveda in the Western Holistic Health Sector
Maya Warrier
Negotiating Contemporary Hindu Beliefs and Practices in the United States
Frank R. Chappell
Book Reviews-open access
Buddhism and Law: An Introduction, edited by Rebecca Redwood French and Mark A. Nathan
Nathan McGovern
Homo Ritualis: Hindu Ritual and its Significance for Ritual Theory, by Axel Michaels
Frank J. Korom
The Lotus Sutra: A Biography, by Donald S. Lopez, Jr.
M. Alyson Prude
Der Buddha und der ‘Andere’: Zur religiösen Differenzreflexion und narrativen Darstellung des ‘Anderen’ im Majjhima-Nikāya, by Caroline Widmer
Nathan McGovern
Simon Brodbeck, Cardiff University
Dermot Killingley, University of Newcastle
Anna S. King, University of Winchester
Book Review Editor
Suzanne Newcombe, Inform and The Open University
Religions of South Asia
ISSN: 1751-2689 (print)
ISSN: 1751-2697 (online)
Religions of South Asia is a development of the work of the Spalding Symposium on Indian Religions which has been meeting annually since 1975 and is supported by the Spalding Trust.
RoSA publishes papers by internationally respected scholars on some of the most vibrant and dynamic religious traditions of the world. It includes the latest research on distinctively South Asian or Indic religions – Hindu, Jaina, Buddhist and Sikh – religions which continue to influence the patterns of thought and ways of life of millions of people.