Table of Contents – Religious Studies and Theology (Special Issue 38.1, 2019)

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Religious Studies and Theology
Issue 38.1-2 (2019)
table of contents

Special Issue
Festschrift for Michel Desjardins

Guest Editors
Ken Derry and Elysia Guzik

Frontispiece-open access
No Mud No Lotus
Samiksa Love

Guest Editors’ Foreward-open access
A Quilted Offering: Essays on Teaching and Learning Religion in Honour of Michel Desjardins
Ken Derry , Elysia Guzik

Balancing Dichotomies, Opening Conversations: A Reflection on Michel Desjardins’ Contribution to the Study of Religion in the Classroom and Beyond
Philip L. Tite

A Loaf for Learning: Teaching the Study of Religion with Food
Sarah J. King

Thinking About Transformative Aspects of Gnostic Writing Pedagogy
Michael Kaler

“The Study of Religion” and “Religious Studies”: To What are We Entitled and to Whom are We Obliged?
Aldea Mulhern

Drawing on the Board
Michael Ostling

Learning and Teaching as Emergent, Standardized, and Radical Concepts
Joanne Benham Rennick

Gnostic Imagery in Disney’s Pinocchio
Tony Burke

Changing the World without Doing Harm: Critical Pedagogy, Participatory Action Research and the Insider Student Researcher
Mark Chapman

Jennifer Davis

The Reflective Practice Writing Bicycle: A Reflective Analysis Tool for Engaged Learning
Edmund Pries

Messing Around with Introductory Religion Courses in Canada
Ken Derry

Reflections from the Field-open access
An Academic for All Seasons and Every Occasion
Harold Remus

Reflections on Learning with Michel Desjardins
Meena Sharify-Funk , Elysia Guzik

Forgetting the Content and Other Michelisms: A Tribute to Michel Desjardins
Brent Hagerman

Michel Desjardins: An Angel of Academia
Erica Hurwitz Andrus

Listening with Respect
Suzanne Armstrong

Michel Desjardins: Emphatic and Resourceful Professor
Husein Khimjee

I Have No Eyes Yet I Can See
Marie Bilodeau , Kerri Elizabeth Gerow

Three Teaching Strategies
Tony Michael

Changing Food Rules in Kitchener-Waterloo
Joe Mancini

Seeking Understanding: Helping Graduate Students to Write for Scholarly Journals in Religion
Amir Hussain

When David Met Michel
David Burke Griffiths

Changing the Lonely Halls of Academia
Mercedes Rowinsky-Geurts

The Historical, Rhetorical Jesus
John Mitrosky

Remarks given on the Occasion of the Celebration for Michel Desjardins Steckle Heritage Farm, Kitchener, Ontario June 21, 2017
Edmund Pries , Joanne Benham Rennick , Bob Sharpe , Meena Sharify-Funk, Patrice Brodeur

Book Review-open access
Transition to Common Work: Building Community at The Working Centre, by Joseph and Stephanie Mancini
Michel Desjardins

Catherine Caufield, Concordia University of Edmonton, Canada

Book Review Editor
Steven Muir, Concordia University of Edmonton, Canada

Religious Studies and Theology

ISSN: 0829-2922 (print)
ISSN: 1747-5414 (online)

Religious Studies and Theology is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes thoughtful original research of an interdisciplinary nature with significance to the various fields of Religious Studies and Theology. International contributors from many disciplines explore understandings of the workings of religion and spirituality in the contemporary world. We also give special attention to studies on religion and religious communities in Canada with regard to the place of this nation in our interconnected global community.

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