“The Buddha’s Middle Way – Experiential Judgement in His Life and Teaching” by Robert M. Ellis – New Publication and Discount Code from Equinox Publishers
We are pleased to announce the publication of

The Buddha’s Middle Way
Experiential Judgement in His Life and Teaching
Robert M. Ellis, Middle Way Society
HB 9781781798195 US$100
PB 9781781798201 US$29.95
Ebook 9781781798218 Individual US$29.95 Institutional US$100
In The Buddha’s Middle Way, Robert M. Ellis re-issues the Buddha’s teachings as a practical philosophy in the classical sense – a guide to sane and optimal living, rather than a religious doctrine or mere armchair musings. His middle way is a present-day life well lived, and his book is a convincing and valuable aid to finding and cultivating it. Though his erudition is striking, he writes clearly and accessibly. This is a book for both practising Buddhists and anyone who seeks to live an examined life.
Winton Higgins, senior teacher, Sydney Insight Meditators and associate, School of International Studies, University of Technology Sydney
I hope this provocative book will encourage Buddhists to reconsider the Middle Way that lies at the core of their tradition and to appreciate how this principle links their tradition to many others, both ancient and modern, secular and religious. The Buddha’s Middle Way will at the same time provide an excellent critical introduction to the Buddha’s life and teaching for those less familiar with Buddhism. As a result of Ellis’s groundbreaking work, the Middle Way may cease to be thought of as an exclusively Buddhist idea but a universal legacy of being human.
From the Foreword by Stephen Batchelor, author of Buddhism without Beliefs
For more information and to order using the code Middle for 25% off any edition visit the book page:
The Buddha’s Middle Way; Experiential Judgement in his Life and Teaching; Ellis