“The Qur’an and Kerygma: Biblical Receptions of the Muslim Scripture across a Millennium” (by Jeffrey Einboden) – New publication and discount code from Equinox Publishers
Just published!

The Qur’an and Kerygma
Biblical Receptions of the Muslim Scripture across a Millennium
Jeffrey Einboden, Northern Illinois University
Series: Themes in Qur’anic Studies edited by Mustafa Shah and Abdul Hakim al-Matroudi, both at SOAS, University of London
‘Provides exciting new insights into the intertextuality of the Bible and the Qurʾān.’
David D. Grafton, Professor of Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations, Hartford Seminary
‘Wondrously creative and an intellectual delight of the very highest order. Jeffery Einboden has given us a truly exciting study of the Qur’an’s influence in the so-called West.’
Todd Lawson, Professor Emeritus of Islamic Thought, University of Toronto
For more information and to order at 25% off quoting the code QURAN visit the book page:
Valerie Hall
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