Administrator – Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies, UBC

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Job Summary
This Administrator is responsible for making recommendations towards and the implementation of the strategic planning, direction and development of operations, human resourcing, technology, financial and physical resources in the Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies. Major responsibilities include providing administrative unit leadership, implementing strategic plans, developing and forecasting departmental budgets, implementing sound fiscal procedures, serving as a resource for the Head on matters relating to university policy and practice, providing general guidance to faculty within unit on management issues, overseeing and maintaining the operational flow of the department overseeing the acquisition of supplies and equipment, and allocating space. The Department has 18 tenured and tenure-track faculty, 2 lecturers, 5 sessional faculty and two staff (one M&P and one CUPE). The Department typically has about 20 graduate students, most of whom are TAs during any given semester. It has a GPOF budget of over $3.4 million.

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