Call for Papers for Axis Mundi: A Journal of Religious Studies

 In All, Call for Papers

Axis Mundi: A Journal of Religious Studies is an online, open access interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal edited and maintained by Religious Studies graduate students at the University of Alberta. We accept contributions from students in any year of study—undergraduate and graduate—from universities and colleges across the world. We encourage submissions pertaining to any aspect of the academic study of religion. Before submitting your paper, please read our author guidelines where you can also begin the submission process when you’re ready. There is no deadline for submissions as we publish continuously.
Axis Mundi seeks submissions for articles and book reviews on any aspect of religion, especially in the following areas:

Religious studies theory

Each submission will be subject to a peer-review process. Axis Mundi is an open access student journal. There is no charge for readers and there are no publication charges for authors. Please direct any inquiries to

Axis Mundi is sponsored by the University of Alberta Religious Studies Program and affiliated with the University of Alberta Religious Studies Graduate Students Society (RSGSS).

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