Post-lineage Yoga: From Guru to #MeToo by Theodora Wildcroft — New Publication and Discount Code from Equinox Publishers

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Post-lineage Yoga
From Guru to #MeToo
Theodora Wildcroft, The Open University and SOAS
270 pages, 59 colour photos and diagrams
Available in HB, PB and ebook formats

For more information and to order at 25% off quoting the code EQX visit the book page:

Post-lineage Yoga; From Guru to #MeToo; Wildcroft

A timely and original piece of research that builds on a growing literature on the various manifestations of yoga in the contemporary context.
Stephen Jacobs, Senior Lecturer in Media, Religion and Culture, University of Wolverhampton, UK

A fascinating analysis of yoga subcultures, and the modern-day, ‘post-lineage’ yogis who operate on the fringes of the mainstream yoga marketplace, and outside traditional patriarchal structures of yogic authority. This highly original book is a milestone in the study of modern yoga.
Mark Singleton, SOAS, University of London, UK

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