Table of Contents for Buddhist Studies Review, Issue 37.1 (2020)
Issue 37.1 (2020) table of contents

Peter Harvey
Obituary of Karel Werner (12 January 1925 – 26 November 2019)
Peter Harvey
‘Impermanence’: A Translation of the First Chapter of the Tibetan Udānavarga
Peter Skilling
Protecting Insects in Medieval Chinese Buddhism: Daoxuan’s Vinaya Commentaries
Ann Heirman
A Buddhist Love Story: The Buddha and Yaśodharā
Vanessa R. Sasson
Two Series of Kāḷudāyī’s Verses in the Pāli Commentaries: A Literal Translation
Aruna Keerthi Gamage
Reviews Essays
Pāli Grammar: The Language of the Canonical Texts of Theravāda Buddhism (Volume I), by Thomas Oberlies
Matthew Spencer
Reviews – open access
Maṇḍalas in the Making: The Visual Culture of Esoteric Buddhism at Dunhuang, by Michelle C. Wang.
Mia Y. Ma
Buddhist and Islamic Orders in Southern Asia: Comparative Perspectives, by R. Michael Feener and Anne M. Blackburn, eds.
Elizabeth J. Harris
From Indra’s Net to Internet: Communication, Technology, and the Evolution of Buddhist Ideas, by Daniel Veidlinger.
Alex Owens
Peter Harvey, University of Sunderland
Alice Collett, Nalanda University
Book Review Editor
Christopher Jones, University of Cambridge
Buddhist Studies Review
ISSN: 0265-2897 (print)
ISSN: 1747-9681 (online)
Buddhist Studies Review is published by Equinox on behalf of the UK Association for Buddhist Studies.The journal seeks to publish quality articles on any aspect of Buddhism, with submitted papers being blind peer-reviewed by two experts prior to acceptance. Relevant fields for the journal are: the different cultural areas where Buddhism exists or has existed (in South, Southeast, Central and East Asia); historical and contemporary aspects (including developments in ‘Western’ Buddhism); theoretical, practical and methodological issues; textual, linguistic, archaeological and art-historical studies; and different disciplinary approaches to the subject (e.g. Archaeology, Art History, Anthropology, Asian Studies, Comparative Religion, Law, Oriental Studies, Philosophy, Philology, Psychology, Religious Studies, Theology).