“No Transcendence but in Things: Spirituality in Seamus Heaney’s Poetry” by Lucie Kotesovska — an online presentation hosted by CSRS
No Transcendence but in Things: Spirituality in Seamus Heaney’s Poetry
Lucie Kotesovska

Thursday, November 17
5:00-6:00 p.m. PT
David Turpin Building A110
Join via Zoom at uvic.ca/csrs/events
The publication of Seeing Things in 1991 clearly signalled that the focus of Seamus Heaney’s poetry shifted. Contrary to criticism that the poet abandoned both his creative creed and Christian belief, I argue that he left neither. I believe he reclaimed, and to use his words, “re- imagined” what had been his all along. In this lecture, you will also learn what happened to the monks at Clonmacnoise when “a ship appeared above them in the air”, what Heaney means by “douzain”, and why it is appropriate to talk about “Squarings” when one has been visited by poetry.
Lucie Kotesovska is a doctoral candidate in the English Depart- ment at UVic. Her current research focuses on the renegotiation of worlds private and public by modern Irish poets.