“Permanent Revolution: Religion and the Canadian Social Order” with David Seljak and Anna Greenwood-Lee – an online event on May 4, 2023

“Permanent Revolution: Religion and the Canadian Social Order” with David Seljak and Anna Greenwood-Lee – an online event on May 4, 2023
Most Canadians believe that public commitments to human rights, multicultural- ism, and secularism have settled questions of religious diversity and freedom. David Seljak examines how the growth of non-Christian and non-European Christian religious communities, the resurgence of Indigenous spiritualities, and new forms of spiritual identity and solidarity among the religious “nones” are moving Canada towards a post-secular social order. What might this mean for Canadians and for the church? Seljak argues these are signs of a permanent revolution, presenting secular institutions and traditional religious communities with new challenges—notably around questions of land, law, and reconciliation.
May 4, 2023, 5:00-6:30pm PT, SUB Upper Lounge and online colloquium details at uvic.ca/csrs/events
David Seljak is Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Waterloo. Anna Greenwood-Lee is Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Islands and Inlets.