CSSR NOTICE: Membership Fees (2017)

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Dear CSSR Members,

I hope you have all had a good summer and that the return to session is going smoothly for you.

As ratified at the CSSR AGM in 2015 (and restated at the CSSR AGM in 2016), membership fees for regular and associate members will be increasing for the 2017 membership year (student member fees will remain the same). Membership fee increases are required to cover the increases in costs for the journal Studies in Religion/Sciences religieuses.

The new fee structure for members is below, we remain grateful to our members for your ongoing enthusiasm and for making our Society such a dynamic one.

Please note: Our Membership Portal (PayPal) is currently closed to facilitate these adjustments. It will be reopened shortly.

Membership fees for 2017 are as follows:

Regular member (receiving SR through CSSR): $100 (increase of $10)
Associate member (retired/part-time) receiving SR through the CSSR: $60
Associate member (receiving SR through another society): $55 (increase of $5)
Student member (receiving SR through the CSSR): $50
Student member (receiving SR through another society): $30

As a reminder, membership is tied to the calendar year (January-December). We will circulate the CFP for Congress 2017 (Ryerson) in very short order along with a reminder to renew or join CSSR at that time.

Thank you again and please continue to send us your news to circulate.


Heather Shipley
Canadian Society for the Study of Religion
Société Canadienne pour l’Étude de la Religion

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