Call for Papers — 1st Issue of Journal of Dialogue Studies

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Call for Papers
1st Issue of Journal of Dialogue Studies

The Journal of Dialogue Studies (hereafter ‘the Journal’ or ‘JDS’) is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed academic journal published twice a year. Its aim is to study the theory and practice of dialogue, understood provisionally as: a meaningful interaction and exchange between individuals and/or people of different groups (social, cultural, political and religious) who come together through various kinds of conversations or activities with a view to increased understanding. Some scholars will want to question that description of dialogue, and others may be sceptical of the effectiveness of dialogue as a mechanism to produce increased understanding. The Editors of course welcome vigorous discussion and debate on these and other fundamental questions.

The Journal will bring together a body of original scholarship on the theory and practice of dialogue that can be critically appraised and debated. It will publish conceptual, research, and/or case-based works on both theory and practice, and papers that discuss wider social, cultural or political issues as these relate to the evaluation of dialogue. In this way, the Journal aims to contribute towards establishing ‘dialogue studies’ as a distinct academic field (or perhaps even emerging discipline). Doing so will be directly useful not only to scholars and students but also to professionals and practitioners working in different contexts at various cultural interfaces.

A concern with the theory or practice of dialogue should be in the foreground of papers that are submitted, but the Editors do not have any preference as regards the general disciplinary background of the work. Indeed contributions will be welcome from a variety of disciplines which may, for example, include sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, linguistics, the study of religion, politics, international relations or law.

The first issue will be published in July 2013 and focus on ‘dialogue studies’ as a concept, with particular emphasis on its boundaries, viability and usefulness as an academic field. The Editors invite papers that explore questions such as the following:

* What arguments might there be for (or against) developing ‘dialogue studies’ as a distinct academic field (or perhaps even emerging discipline)?
* What are the implications of doing so?
* What do we mean by dialogue, dialogue theories and dialogue practices?
* How might ‘dialogue studies’ be of use to academics, policy-makers and practitioners?
* Where along the spectrum of fields is this field best placed?
* What does the discourse of one or more thinkers, philosophers, activists on dialogue tell us about the viability of a ‘dialogue studies’?
* Is dialogue valuable in itself and/or by virtue of its outcomes?
* How far should the field of ‘dialogue studies’ extend? Can one field encompass cultural production and intercultural communication?
* What might be the implications, if any, of a distinct field in dialogue for peace-building and conflict resolution studies?
* What can policy-makers learn from dialogue theory or practice that would benefit the development or implementation of policy?
* Can/should dialogue be measured or thought of in terms of effectiveness?
* Would a distinct field on dialogue focus attention on the instrumental outcomes of dialogue as a practice?
* What is the relationship if any between dialogue practices and government policies on multiculturalism, social cohesion, shared values and developing a sense of belonging?

Papers should be submitted by email attachment to: and must be received by 1st June 2013 in order to allow sufficient time for peer review. Manuscripts should be presented in a form that, as far as practicable, meets the requirements set out in JDS Guidelines for Contributors (coming soon). The running order for issue 1.1, listing the papers to be published in that issue, will be announced by the beginning of July 2013.

For further information about the Journal, its Editorial Board or submission guidelines please click here.

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