The Canadian Society for the Study of Religion (CSSR) is hosting its annual meeting on May 29 – June 2, 2021. The conference will take place virtually on Zoom, and has five great days of research papers, graduate student workshops and special sessions all at the very cutting-edge of the study of religion, spirituality and secularity in Canada. The virtual conference is open and free of charge to all 2021 CSSR members. See below and the attached preliminary programme for more details.
If you wish to attend, please register at: https://forms.gle/Y2T7ZqJRKeau3Zho9
Registration is open until May 21st, 2021 May 28, 2021.
All attendees must be paid CSSR members for the 2021 calendar year at the time of the conference. To join or renew your CSSR membership, please visit: http://www.cssrscer.ca/?q=node/67
La Société Canadienne pour l’Étude de la Religion (SCÉR) animera son colloque annuel du 28 mai au 2 juin 2021. Le colloque se déroulera virtuellement sur Zoom, et consiste de cinq journées remplies de recherches, ateliers pour les étudiant(e)s gradué(e)s et ateliers thématiques tous sur l’étude de la religion au Canada. Ce colloque est ouvert et gratuit pour tous membres payés de la SCÉR. Voir ci-dessous et le programme préliminaire ci-joint pour les détails.
Pour assister au colloque, s.v.p. vous enregistrez au : https://forms.gle/Y2T7ZqJRKeau3Zho9
L’enregistrement est ouvert jusqu’au 21 mai 2021 28 mai 2021.
Tou(te)s participant(e)s devront être des membres payés de la SCÉR pour l’année civile 2021. Pour joindre ou renouveler votre abonnement à la SCÉR, s.v.p. visitez : http://www.cssrscer.ca/?q=node/69&language=fr
Click to download the 2021 CSSR Annual Meeting Program (Final Version). Please note that instructions and registration links are found within this document.
Click to download the 2021 CSSR Annual Meeting Call for Papers as a PDF file
November 13, 2020
Taan’shi and Bonzoor, hello everyone
I hope you are healthy, well, and safe.
I am writing to you today on behalf of the CSSR executive. Due to the complications and life circumstances that have come from the global pandemic and economic downturn, the CSSR has chosen to hold our annual conference separately from the Humanities and Social Sciences Congress 2021, hosted by the University of Alberta.
We will be organizing and hosting our own CSSR conference completely online at the same time — to be held from the end of May and the beginning of June, 2021.
We came to the decision that it was not economically feasible for many of our members to participate in the official Congress as a completely online event. Our focus as an association is to keep costs low and make sure all our members receive a positive experience that is flexible and straightforward. As we do every year, we invite you to participate in our conference, even though it will be held as a separate and stand-alone conference, while continuing to engage with other associations at Congress, if you wish to do so. We are very excited to host the 2021 CSSR Conference in this format and we hope you will enjoy this unique undertaking.
This letter serves first and foremost to inform you of our decision. Rest assured, our members will have the same opportunity to present their research to the religious studies community at large. This decision was not made lightly: we believe that this is the best course of action so that our conference remains inclusive and accessible for all our members, from graduate students to retired members. We will soon send out a “call for papers” with specific details and information on the spring conference. Furthermore, our executive is meeting at the beginning of December to go over the major details like cost and duration. We will then be sending you that information promptly.
Thank you again for your patience and continuing support in the CSSR as we work together to make this conference work for our current situations.
Paul L. Gareau, PhD
President | Président
Canadian Society for the Study of Religion (CSSR) |
Société canadienne pour l’étude de la religion