I am delighted to circulate the call for submissions for CSSR’s annual student essay competition (undergraduate and graduate).
The deadline for all submissions is August 1, 2023, by email, to CSSR Members-At-Large: Kalpesh Bhatt (kbhatt@umw.edu) and Jacqueline Giesbrecht (19jdg@queensu.ca).
The prize for the best undergraduate paper is $250, second prize is $100. Submission criteria and guidelines for the undergraduate competition can be found here: http://www.cssrscer.ca/?q=node/20
The prize for the best PhD paper is $650 and the prize for MA students is $300. Submission criteria and guidelines for the graduate competition can be found here: http://www.cssrscer.ca/?q=node/21
Student winners will be announced in the Fall and invited to present their papers during the CSSR Fall Webinar Series (date to be confirmed). More information will be circulated to members closer to the date.
Please circulate this notice widely.
The CSSR is pleased to be able to support students by acknowledging their work through the essay competition.
Paul Gareau
Canadian Society for the Study of Religion
Société Canadienne pour l’Étude de la Religion