Call for Application – Intensive Course on Gender and Women’s Studies — Women and Family Research Center (WRC), Qom, Iran
First Course on Gender and Women’s Studies

Organizer: Women and Family Research Center (WRC), Qom, Iran
Visa: Offered by the organizer (WRC)
Workshop: 3-6 March 2018
Tour: 6-9 March, 2018
Venue: Qom, Isfahan, Tehran
Language: English
Fellowship: Partly available
Early registration deadline: 30 December 2017
The Women and Family Research Center (WRC) Qom, Iran, is pleased to offer the first short-term international course on Gender and Women’s Studies to be held 3-9 March 2018. This program endeavors to enhance scholarly attention to Gender and Women’s Studies based on Islamic Shi’a point of view and seeks to offer an original and insightful image of women in Iran. This immersive course provides 16 hours of supported academic lectures and discussion, along with the chance to take part in reflective events. The program includes guided visits to the local and cultural sites of three important cities of Qom, Isfahan and Tehran in order to provide a view of day-to-day life in Iran. All faculty, students and researchers are invited to apply.
The Women and Family Research Center (WRC) does provide Visa sponsorship for all confirmed applicants. The early registration fee starts from $460 including all local costs (Tuition, accommodation, food, trips, Inter-city transportation, airport pick-up or drop-off, etc.). However, the international flights and the visa costs will be on participants.
The program is accredited by the Woman and family research center (WRC) in collaboration with the University of Religions and Denominations (URD). Participants will attend in pre-planned workshops and lectures presented in English and a special certificate will be awarded to each participant upon the successful participation.
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