Table of Contents – Special Issue “Reframing Authority—The Role of Media and Materiality”, Postscripts Issue 8.3
Issue 8.3 Table of contents

Special Issue:
Reframing Authority—The Role of Media and Materiality
Reframing Authority—The Role of Media and Materiality
Laura Feldt
Authority, Space, and Literary Media—Eucherius’ Epistula de laude eremiand Authority Changes in Late Antique Gaul
Laura Feldt
The Authority of Translators: Vendors, Manufacturers, and Materiality in the Transfer of Barlaam and Josaphat along the Silk Road
Christian Høgel
The Resurrection of the Body: Authoritative Creed, Materiality, and Changes in Popular Belief in Denmark in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Martin Rheinheimer
Myth, Materiality, and Book of Mormon Apologetics: A Sacred Text and its Interpreters
Olav Hammer
James Crossley, St Mary’s University
Philip L. Tite, University of Washington
ISSN: 1743-887X (print)
ISSN: 1743-8888 (online)
Postscripts is a fully refereed journal devoted to the academic study of scripture around the globe. The study of sacred texts has historically been a highly technical, specialized and elite practice, held in preserve by religious authorities and professional scholars. As important as this technical and specialized work is, it represents only a small proportion of the rich panoply of engagements with texts that are foundational in the lives of individuals and communities around the world — texts that travel under the name of ‘scripture’ or ‘sacred’ text.