About the Travel Subsidy

The Canadian Society for the Study of Religion (CSSR) / Société Canadienne pour l’Étude de la Religion (SCÉR) fosters research and dialogue in the academic study of religion. Our annual meeting serves as a platform for scholars to share their work and engage in meaningful discourse. In the past, the CSSR/ SCÉR received SSHRC funding  to help subsidize travel costs for participating members, with a special focus on supporting students. Unfortunately, SSHRC has since discontinued this funding program.

Despite this setback, which reflects the federal government’s diminishing support for academic research in the humanities and social sciences, the CSSR/SCÉR remains committed to supporting student researchers. At our 2019 annual meeting, we approved a special travel subsidy of $5,500 from our own funds to assist student presenters. While this required reallocating resources from other areas, we believe strongly in investing in the next generation of scholars.


Students who are presenting a paper at the annual CSSR meeting this year will be eligible to apply for this travel subsidy. Any remaining funds will be given to other presenters who have no other avenues available to them to cover travel costs. The amount given for travel funds is contingent on the number of applications received each year.

To qualify for consideration for a subsidy from our very limited travel funds, applicants (all categories of membership) must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a paid-up member as of May 30th, and be a Canadian resident;
  2. Not be receiving funds for attending the meeting from any other source;
  3. Participate in the programme as a presenter/discussant/respondent/panelist;
  4. Forward the application, with receipts attached, to the treasurer by the required date.

How to apply

  1. CSSR members must indicate their intention to apply for travel funding by submitting the “Intent to Submit Claim” form by email to the CSSR/SCÉR Treasurer at treasurerCSSR@hotmail.com no later than May 1st this year.
  2. Presenters applying for this travel subsidy must submit their completed “Travel Subsidy Claim” form and travel receipts to the CSSR/SCÉR Treasurer, by July 15th each year.

Receiving Funds

  • Travel funds will be dispersed after the deadline for applications.
  • Student participants will receive reimbursement for a portion of their receipted travel expenses. The exact amount will be determined based on the total pool of available funds and the number of eligible applicants.

Pour plus d'informations

For more information on the travel subsidy, please contact Prof. Alison Marshall, CSSR/SCÉR President via email at marshalla@brandonu.ca.