Welcome to the website of The Canadian Society for the Study of Religion (CSSR)
CSSR Members and Friends please log in to see the full website menu.

Bienvenue sur le site web de la Société Canadienne pour l’Étude de la Religion (SCÉR)!
Membres et Amis de la SCÉR, veuillez s’il vous plaît vous connecter pour voir le menu complet de notre site web.


We are updating our website!

We are thrilled to let you all know that we are in the process of updating the CSSRSCER website. We can’t wait to launch this new site into the world soon. While we are in transition, please be patient with us as we navigate moving everything from our old site to the new.

Alongside the update to the website, our long-time Communications Liaison, Samiksa has stepped down from the role. Samiksa worked tirelessly for many years and if you get the opportunity to see her, please thank her for her incredible service to our organization. While we transition to the new website and determine our new communications plan, please send any news that you would like included in this Newsletter to our Membership Secretary, Rachel Brown at rachelbr@uvic.ca.

Winter 2023 Zoom Webinar Series



The Canadian Society for the Study of Religion invites proposals for our 2023 annual meeting, which will be held in conjunction with the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences on the campus of York University from Saturday, May 27 to Tuesday, May 30, 2023. The theme for Congress 2023 is Reckonings and Re-Imaginings. The CSSR 2023 Annual Meeting Program has now been posted.

Visit the 2023 Annual Meeting page.

CSSR Student Essay Contest deadline is August 1, 2023


Paid CSSR members are also invited to subscribe to the Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion (CCSR) newsletter here: https://ccsr.ca/en/newsletter/

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