Submit your 2012 Congress travel expense claim form

 In News | Nouvelles, Uncategorized

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of your executive, I am writing to remind you to submit your travel claim for Congress as soon as possible. The 2012 Claim Form has all the information you need, including the address of Richard Mann, your Treasurer, to whom the form and receipts must be sent. To download the travel subsidy form as a PDF file, please go to the “Resources” menu on the left, and click on the “Funding” link.

It is important that the CSSR uses its annual SSHRC travel grant. If we do not use it each year, the amount unspent will be deducted from the grant we receive the next year. Since Congress is in Victoria next year, a reduction would be particularly painful.

Graduate student members who presented at Congress can submit receipts for travel even if the journey was less than 500 kms. If funds are available, they will be applied to these claims.

Questions can be directed to Richard Mann ( or to me (

Patricia Dold
CSSR Recording Secretary

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