CFP — RE21 Religious Education in a Global-Local World International Conference — Study of Religions Department University College Cork, Ireland

 In Call for Papers, Uncategorized

RE21 Religious Education in a Global-Local World
Study of Religions Department
University College Cork,
Cork, Ireland
Date: 29-30 August 2013

Religious Education (RE) is a term that conveys diverse and often
incompatible meanings to different constituencies. For some, RE means
religious nurturing, either tailored to parental views or meant to
inculcate a uniform religiosity. For others, RE means learning about the
many religious and non-religious world-views and secular ethics that exist,
not promoting one religion or another. Some seek to avoid the ambiguous
term religious education, replacing it with terms such as education about
religions and beliefs or the religious dimension of intercultural education.

The RE21 Religious Education in a Global-Local World conference starts from
two assumptions: (a) that RE has and will continue to have multiple and
contested meanings and (b) that local interpretations of RE are
increasingly in negotiation with each other as a consequence of
globalisation. The RE21 conference emphasises a student-centred approach,
viewing any kind of RE (or indeed its absence) as a formative lived
experience for pupils. It stresses a bottom-up, sociological and
ethnographic/anthropological research-based approach to the study of RE,
rather than the top down approaches which often start from prescriptive
legal, ideological or religious standpoints.

One aim of this conference is to further international academic research
into the diverse past, present (and possible future) forms of RE and we
hope to publish selected papers from the conference. A second aim is
through discussion and debate at the conference to enhance public and
professional understanding, in Ireland and beyond, of the complex issues
and debates surrounding RE in the wider world.

We encourage early-career scholars, including advanced postgraduate
research students, to share their empirical research findings and insights
with others. Subject to availability, priority for funding assistance (see
below) will be given to early-career scholars and those from countries
geographically distant from Ireland. The RE21 Conference which takes place
on Thursday-Friday 29-30 August 2013 is timed to help overseas delegates to
attend both the RE21 conference in Cork and the Religion, Migration,
Mutation EASR/BASR Conference in nearby Liverpool, UK, 3-6 September 2013.

Delegates from all relevant disciplines who are actively engaged in
peer-reviewed research and publication in the field of RE worldwide are
warmly invited to Cork. Topics may include (but are not limited to) the

Childhoods role and childrens agency in RE and wider
socio-religious formations,

[Auto-] biographical research on experiences and evaluations of RE,

Qualitative studies and quantitative surveys of student and teacher
attitudes to RE,

Historical and comparative studies of RE across cultures.

RE teacher education and accreditation,

The impact, especially on pupils experience and evaluations of RE,
of particular configurations of state-religion-education relations.

Policy analysis in relation to RE and cognate fields.

RE21: Submission Guidelines and Deadlines:

The following deadlines are for those planning to apply for funding

Submissions for panels, individual papers or poster presentations should be
sent to Dr Yafa Shanneik, email: y.shanneik [at]

Panel proposals deadline: Thursday 7 February 2013.
A panel proposal should come from one proposer and comprise: (1) name and
institutional affiliation of proposer, (2) panel title (max 20 words), (3)
panel description (max 150 words), (4) names and institutions of
participants (if any) expected to offer papers to the panel.

Decisions on panels will be notified by 18 February 2013 and an initial
list of panels posted on the conference

Note: if the website does not show properly, check the address showing in
your browser and delete everything before the last http.

Individual paper proposals deadline: 28 February 2013.
Poster presentations deadline: 28 February 2013
Individual papers do not need to fit into a listed panel. If you are
proposing your paper for a panel listed on the website, please state this
on the proposal.

Individual paper or poster proposals should comprise: 1. Name and
institutional affiliation (2) paper/poster title, (3) abstract (max. 150

Decisions on acceptance of papers/posters will be notified by 20 March 2013
and a list of papers/posters accepted will be published on the conference

The above deadlines apply especially to those who intend to apply for help
with funding (see Funding Assistance below). If there is still space, paper
proposals may be accepted after these dates, but proposals submitted after
these dates will not be eligible for funding assistance.

Conference Fees (payable on full registration at a later stage):

Waged 70, unwaged 30.

(Unwaged in this context means not in receipt of a regular living wage.)

The conference fee includes teas/coffees, two lunches and a conference

Information about registration, payment of fees, accommodation, travel etc.
will be provided on the RE21 website

Note: if the website does not show properly, check the address showing in
your browser and delete everything before the last http.


Funding assistance

The RE21 Conference will take place shortly before the large EASR/BASR
Conference on the theme of RELIGION, MIGRATION, MUTATION to be held at
Liverpool Hope University, UK, 3-6 September 2013.

Limited funding for the RE21 conference in Cork will be available to assist
with flights to Cork and towards accommodation costs for scholars wishing
to come to Cork either for RE21 alone or, where possible, en route to
Liverpool for the EASR/BASR Conference. Liverpool may be reached easily
from Cork by direct Ryanair flight from Cork-Liverpool or by bus from Cork
to Dublin and then flights from Dublin Liverpool.

To be eligible for funding assistance, you must first have your paper or
poster proposal accepted by the organisers for RE21. Hence, applications
for funding will be accepted only after written approval of papers, i.e.
after 20 March 2013.

Application forms for funding assistance will be made available only to
those whose papers have been approved, after 20 March 2013. As a guide,
applications for funding will be accepted up to 30 April and funding
decisions notified by 14 May 2013.

Enquiries: Dr Yafa Shanneik y.shanneik[at]

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