Call for Session papers — Theme: Queer Religious Young People — Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Annual Conference 2014

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Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Annual Conference 2014

31 October–2 November 2014 Indianapolis, Indiana Conference theme: “Building Bridges”

Session Proposal 2
Theme: Queer Religious Young People

Session Organisers
Heather Shipley, University of Ottawa, Canada e-mail:
Elisabeth Arweck, University of Warwick, UK e-mail:

Call for Session papers
Exploring intersecting identity categories, this session will bring together research on queer religious young people in an international perspective in order to explore the ways in which young people’s religious and sexual identities overlap and intersect. Often religion and sexual diversity is seen as inherently oppositional; however, a number of research projects exploring the relationship between religious and queer identities have dispelled such assumptions and offer insights into the ways young people negotiate diverse identity constructions. This session aims to build bridges geographically and methodologically by bringing together current research on this topic. It also aims to build bridges across academic disciplines in order to promote a constructive dialogue between them, to exchange research insights, and to stimulate the exploration of new research avenues.
We welcome paper proposals to this session. In line with the conference theme, we are particularly interested in developing a session that offers a breadth of geographical research, with diverse religious/sexual identities and diverse methodologies represented.

Paper proposals to this session should include the following details:
 name
 title
 institutional affiliation
 contact details, esp. e-mail
 title of proposed paper
abstract (no more than 150 words) which clearly outlines how the presentation
connects with the session theme, what central research questions have been used to motivate the research, the data and methods, and what the paper contributes or expects to contribute to the knowledge or understanding of the session theme.

Please send your proposals to both session organisers (contact details as above) by 20 February 2014.

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