Call for Papers and Panels — XXI IAHR Congress, 2015 — Erfurt, Germany

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Dear colleagues,

Just a reminder to register your panels and papers for the upcoming IAHR Congress next August in Erfurt! Please feel free to circulate the CfPs below among your friends and colleagues who you think might also be interested in our Congress and visit us on Facebook: International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR) 2015!

With the best wishes of Congress directors Christoph Bochinger and Jörg Rüpke,

Call for Panels

We invite contributions from all disciplines of religious studies and related fields of research to allow for broad, interdisciplinary discussion of the Congress topic to register their panels for the XXI World Congress of the IAHR. Panels should address one of the four thematic Congress areas: Religious Communities in Society: Adaption and Transformation – Practices and Discourses: Innovation and Tradition – The Individual: Religiosity, Spiritualities and individualization – Methodology: Representations and Interpretations.

Each panel lasts two hours. Panel papers should be limited to 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the number of panel participants. Panel conveners are asked to approach possible participants from different nations to reflect the scope and internationality of the IAHR Congress.

To propose a panel, please submit a general proposal of the panel as well as individual proposals of all papers included in the panel. Both panel and papers of a proposed panel will be evaluated by the Academic Program Committee to ensure a high academic standard of the Congress program. We therefore ask panel conveners to submit the proposals of all prospective panel participants of a proposed panel as indicated by the submission form. Proposals of panels and of papers should not exceed 150 words.

The deadline for submission of proposals is Sunday, September 14, 2014. All proposals must be submitted electronically via the IAHR 2015 website ( As part of the submission process, you will be asked to indicate the area in which you would like your proposal considered. Your proposal will then be forwarded to the appropriate member of the Academic Program Committee.

You will receive notice concerning the status of your proposal as soon as possible and certainly before March 1, 2015. If your panel or paper has been accepted by the Academic Program Committee, please note that you will have to register as Congress participant before May 15, 2015 to be included in the Congress program.

Call for Papers

The organizers of the XXI IAHR World Congress, Congress presidents Prof. Dr. Jörg Rüpke (Erfurt) and Prof. Dr. Christoph Bochinger (Bayreuth) and Congress coordinator Dr. Elisabeth Begemann (Erfurt), invite contributions from all disciplines of religious studies and related fields of research to allow for broad, interdisciplinary discussion of the Congress topic. Papers should address one of the four thematic Congress areas: Religious Communities in Society: Adaption and Transformation – Practices and Discourses: Innovation and Tradition – The Individual: Religiosity, Spiritualities and individualization – Methodology: Representations and Interpretations.

Papers should be limited to 20 minutes. Individual papers on related topics will be joint into a panel of 120 minutes. Panel chairs will have to make sure that a minimum of 30 minutes is reserved for discussion. We strongly suggest furthering academic exchange by forming trans-national and trans-continental panels.

All paper proposals will be evaluated by the Academic Program Committee to ensure a high academic standard of the Congress program. Proposals of papers should not exceed 150 words, as indicated on the proposal form.

The deadline for submission of proposals is Monday, December 15, 2014. All proposals must be submitted electronically via the IAHR 2015 website ( As part of the submission process, you will be asked to indicate the area in which you would like your proposal considered. Your proposal will then be forwarded to the appropriate member of the Academic Program Committee.

You will receive notice concerning the status of your proposal as soon as possible and certainly before March 1, 2015. If your paper has been accepted by the Academic Program Committee, please note that you will have to register as Congress participant before May 15, 2015 to be included in the Congress program.

XXI World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR)
August 23-29, 2015
Erfurt, Germany

Tim Jensen, Associate Professor
General Secretary of IAHR, The International Association for The History of
Religions (,
Head of Study of Religions, Department of History, SDU.
Mailing address: Study of Religions, Department of History, University of Southern Denmark, DK-5230, Campusvej 55, Odense M, Denmark.
Office phone: +45 65503315
Private: Folkets Alle 40, DK-2000 FPhone: + 45 38875085 Cell: + 45 20888378

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