5th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Emotional Geographies

 In Call for Papers, Uncategorized

Call for Papers, 5th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Emotional Geographies
Edinburgh, Scotland, 10-12 June 2015

Emotional geographies of faith, spirituality and religion

Organised by Claire Dwyer (UCL), Elizabeth Olson (UNC-Chapel Hill) Ruth Judge (UCL)

This session explores the intersections of emotional and affective geographies with analysis of the spaces and places of faith, spirituality and religious identity. How are emotional and affective registers engaged in religious practice? How are affective spaces of religious and spiritual meaning both made and encountered? What are the tensions between narratives of faith and the emotional? How do affective spaces of religion become legible with – or in opposition to – the affective spaces of the secular, or those of religious ‘others’?

Papers are welcome which cover any aspect of the emotional geographies of faith, spirituality and religion. Contributors might include reflection on the emotional geographies of faith communities or practioners; the making of affective religious or spiritual spaces; the ways in which emotions are engaged by researchers and participants; emotions and ethics in research on faith, spirituality and religion.

Please send an abstract (250 words) to Claire Dwyer, UCL (claire.dwyer@ucl.ac.uk) or Betsy Olson, UNC (eaolson@email.unc.edu) by 31st October 2014.

Dr Claire Dwyer
Reader in Human Geography
Co-Director, Migration Research Unit
Department of Geography
University College London
26 Bedford Way
London WC1H OAP
0207 679 5526

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