Religion, Gender, and the Internet — RC-22 Call for Papers, ISA 3rd Forum on Sociology, Vienna 2016

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Religion, Gender, and the Internet – RC-22 Call for Papers, ISA 3rd Forum on Sociology, Vienna 2016

Call for Papers

Religion, Gender, and the Internet

ISA Research Committee (RC) 22
The Third ISA Forum of Sociology

The Futures We Want: Global Sociology
and the Struggles for a Better World

Vienna, 10-14 July, 2016

Session Organizer(s)

Anna HALAFOFF, Deakin University, Australia,
Emma TOMALIN, University of Leeds, United Kingdom,
Caroline STARKEY, University of Leeds, United Kingdom,

There is an emerging literature on women, religion and the Internet investigating a wide range of virtual interactions in different contexts. The internet is a gendered social space where the inequalities and prejudices within religions in the offline world can be both reinforced and challenged. To what extent does “digital religion” offer a “third space” where traditional authority structures can be challenged in ways that might not be possible in the offline environment (Hoover and Echchaibi, 2012)? Or does the fact of the digital divide mean that access to the Internet is skewed in favour of literate women in economically privileged positions with access to modern technologies?

We will explore, and encourage submissions on, case studies about religious and/or spiritual womens’ digital networks, practices and activism. Is there something new or distinctive about online feminist religious and/or spiritual engagement? How is the Internet being used in radicalisation of women and also in deradicalisation strategies? And what methods and theories are applicable for researching women and “digital religion”?

Please submit your proposals online at the International Sociological Association’s website. Paper submissions close on 30 September:

Please also note that you must become an RC22 member to have your paper proposal accepted; you can join the Research Committee through the ISA website at

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