McMaster Lecturer and Friend of the CSSR almost at fundraising goal to build new school for children in Tipling, Nepal
Dear Friends,
I want to raise money to pay for the construction of a new school in the village of Tipling, in Nepal. This past summer, I spent five weeks volunteering in Nepal, both in the city of Kathmandu and in remote mountain villages. I was able to see first-hand the damage that was caused by the recent earthquakes, and I was fortunate to meet some of the amazing people who are working tirelessly to rebuild the country’s damaged infrastructure.
Tipling is a village in the Himalayan foothills about 150 km north of Kathmandu. This village was particularly hard hit by the earthquakes. Almost all of the villagers lost their houses and all of the schools there were damaged beyond use. The children of Tipling are now going to school in temporary structures with just the most basic conditions for learning.
Receiving a good education has made a huge difference in my life. And I am sure that education has made a huge difference in your life too and in the lives of people around you. I would like to help provide the same opportunities for the school children of Nepal. Please help me reach my goal of $16000 for a new school in Tipling. This amount has been determined by local relief workers in Tipling with whom I am in contact. Every dollar you donate (less GoFundMe’s premium) will go towards the construction of a new school. I can assure you of this.
Please see my Facebook page for more information and more photos.
Update on March 26, 2016:
I’ve been in contact with my connections in Nepal. With the end of the months-long blockade, I am happy to say that there is now some real progress being made in the reconstruction efforts. Shenpen (, the Kathmandu-based organization I am partnering with, has begun laying the foundations of 55 new houses in the village of Dhola: (
I have also been talking with Beni Ghale, my contact from the village of Tipling, and she is eager to start the construction of a new school in her village!
For most of the people of Nepal, it has been a long and very difficult eleven months since the April 25th earthquake, the many aftershocks, and then the unfortunate supply blockade. During that time, the world moved on to other news, including Syrian refugees and bombings in Paris (and now Brussels too). Now, with the recent visit by prince Harry, Nepal is in the news again. The prince, struck by the kindness of the Nepali people, decided to extend his trip in order to help with the construction of a school (
I know that there are so many other worthy causes your donations can go to. But please consider a donation, even a small one, to my efforts to fund the construction of a new school in Nepal. If you haven’t yet donated to my campaign, please donate now. If you have already donated, please consider donating again. Remember that no amount is too small! And encourage others to do the same by endorsing and sharing my campaign!
I will be returning to Nepal at the end of May and I will bring with me whatever money has been raised by then. I will make sure that every dollar you donate goes into the reconstruction efforts. If you have any questions, I am happy to answer them! Thanks so much!
Joseph LaRose, Lecturer, McMaster University Department of Religious Studies