“Embodiment and Black Religion: Rethinking the Body in African American Religious Experience” — New Publication and Discount code by Equinox Publishers
Equinox is pleased to announce the publication of

Embodiment and Black Religion
Rethinking the Body in African American Religious Experience
CERCL Writing Collective, Rice University
HB 9781781793459 £75 / US$100
PB 9781781793466 £22.95 / US$29.95
e-PDF 9781781795873 Individuals: £22.95 / US$29.95 Institutions: £75 / US$100
Quote the code EBR to receive 25% off any edition. To view more information and to order visit: https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/embodiment-and-black-religion/
Visiting Leuven for EASR? Don’t forget to download the Equinox Religious Studies app which includes the full programme for the meeting. Janet Joyce will be on our stand there to talk about book projects and to show our latest books and journals in RS!