“Religions of a Single God: A Critical Introduction to Monotheisms from Judaism to Baha’i” by Zeba A. Crook – New Publication and discount code from Equinox Publishers

A Critical Introduction to Monotheisms from Judaism to Baha’i
Zeba A. Crook, Carleton University
114 colour and black and white images, charts and maps
320 pages
HB 9781781798058 US$100
PB 9781781798065 US$50
e-PDF 9781781798072 Individual: US$50 Institutional: US$700
Crook provides a theoretically sophisticated and pedagogically useful introduction to monotheistic religions. These are but two of the many features that will distinguish this book from the competition.
Aaron W. Hughes, University of Rochester
It’s a challenge to integrate theoretical advances in any field with introductory-level teaching, with some concluding that it just can’t be done. Religions of a Single God nicely proves them wrong; for it takes the common descriptive information of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and rethinks it in light of work now being done by scholars at some of the field’s most interesting cutting edges. From the distinction between insiders and outsiders and the importance of avoiding anachronism when writing history to the need to see the people that we study as anything but uniform or locked in amber—such that there are differences and disagreements, with new groups always forming from the old—Zeba Crook offers readers a survey that satisfies their interest in the descriptive details while getting them thinking far more critically about how scholars go about their work.
Russell T. McCutcheon, University of Alabama
Pre-order (copies will be available from the 25th April) using the code religion2019 to receive 25% off any edition and read more about the book here:
Religions of a Single God; A Critical Introduction to Monotheisms from Judaism to Baha’i; Zeba Crook