Call for Proposals – “Religion and Food” unit at AAR Annual Meeting 2022

 In All, Call for Papers

Religion and Food Unit

Call for Proposals

This Group provides an opportunity for scholars to engage in the intersection of religion and food, foodways, and food ethics. We are interested in examining these topics across broad geographical areas, religious traditions, and historical eras. We seek papers investigating practices and beliefs related to food, drink, fasting, the production of food, the ethics of production and consumption, or on any aspect of religiously influenced foodways.

We welcome paper proposals. Topics might include, but are not limited to:

-Given the AAR Annual Meeting’s thematic focus on catastrophe, we welcome paper proposals on religion, food, and catastrophe in the era of pandemic and climate change. Topics may include food insecurity, animal agriculture, toxification and ecological damage, supply chain, immigration, and guest workers.
-Foodways, religion, and their relation to landscapes, resources, and migration, including movement/travel (e.g., Green Books), food shaming, and economic/geographic mobility.
-Religion and food in a (post-) covid era, including ingestion of substances meant to counter or treat COVID-19.
-(Co-sponsored with Baha’i Studies Unit) Papers on practices and beliefs related to food, drink, fasting, food production, food insecurity and/or sovereignty, food and social/economic development, the climate and environmental impacts of food, the ethics of food production and consumption, or any aspect of religiously influenced practices concerning food. Papers can address Baha’i contributions to these questions or highlight other religious groups.
-Finally, we solicit papers on any topic relevant to the study of religion and food. We especially welcome treatments of non-American and non-Western perspectives, and other critical approaches to the setter-colonial context.

Full Call:

Aldea Mulhern, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies
Department of Philosophy
Fresno State University

The Religion and Food Unit is aware that the AAR’s decision (requiring pre-payment of membership fees before submitting a proposal) is likely to cause hardship particularly to graduate students and our underresourced colleagues. We welcome those wishing to apply to our unit, but who are disadvantaged by this new rule, to contact myself ( or my co-chair, Benjamin Zeller (

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