Cognitive Linguistics and Theology — Topical Issue of Open Theology

 In Call for Papers, Uncategorized

for a topical issue of Open Theology
Cognitive Linguistics and Theology

Edited by:
Dr. John Sanders, Hendrix College

Cognitive linguistics is an influential approach to language and cognition used in a wide array of disciplines from psychology to law. It has tremendous promise to help us better understand biblical and theological texts, explain what is going on in theolgical debates, and for understanding the difficulties of communicating religious meaning across cultures. Cognitive linguistics emphasizes the human body in interaction with our environment as the basis for the human mental tool kit. Cognitive tools such as prototypicality, metaphor, metonymy, blending, and perspectivization have been extensivily researched and empirically studied.
This special issue will explore the benefits of using a cogntive linguistics approach to conceptual structures such as metaphor and categorization for theology. We welcome proposals that, for example, apply prototype theory or conceptual blending theory to theological topics or biblical texts.

Some possible research topics:

  • In what respects does conceptual metaphor theory affirm and critique well-known approaches to metaphor in theolgy?
  • Does it shed new light on old debates? Does cogntive linguistics provide a distinctive answer to how we should understand language about God? For instance, is the so-called doctrine of analogy rendered problematic now or can we better see what it was trying to achieve?
  • Does blending theory help explain the Christological statements of the Councils of Nicea and Chalcedon?
  • In what respects does cogntive linguistics enhance feminist, liberationist or other approaches to theology?
  • What does cognitive linguistics contribute to our understanding of hermeneutics?
  • Do notions such as idealized cognitive models and perspective provide insight into debates about contextualizing theology?

Authors publishing their articles in the special issue will benefit from:

  • transparent, comprehensive and fast peer review
  • efficient route to fast-track publication and full advantage of De Gruyter Open’s e-technology,
  • free language assistance for authors from non-English speaking regions.

Publication costs should be covered by so called Article Processing Charges (APC), paid by authors, their affiliated institutions, funders or sponsors. Authors who would like to apply for discounts or free publication are asked to discuss it with Managing Editor of the journal Dr. Katarzyna Tempczyk ( before submitting their article.


Submissions are due October 1, 2017. To submit an article for the special issue of Open Theology, authors are asked to access the on-line submission system at:

Please choose as article type: “Topical Issue Article: Cognitive Linguistics”.

Before submission the authors should carefully read over the Instruction for Authors, available at:

All contributions will undergo critical review before being accepted for publication.

Further questions about this thematic issue can be addressed to Dr. John Sanders at In case of technical or financial questions, please contact journal Managing Editor Dr. Katarzyna Tempczyk at

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