“From Oikonomia to Occupy: Intersections of the Religious and Economic” — Graduate Student Symposium, Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto

 In All, Call for Papers

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From Oikonomia to Occupy: Intersections of the Religious and Economic
Department for the Study of Religion
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario

With Keynote Lectures by:
Professor Daniel Vaca, Brown University
Professor Simon Colemon, University of Toronto

April 21 & 22, 2016

We are extending the deadline for this year’s Graduate Student Symposium. The aim of the symposium is to address the intersection of religions and economies, and to explore the ways in which the religious and the economic overlap and co-constitute social and political worlds. The attached call for papers has more details about the symposium.

Please submit a 150-200 word abstract before January 29th to be considered. Further questions can be directed to 2016symposium@gmail.com.

Thank you,

Symposium Conference Committee
Department for the Study of Religion
University of Toronto

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